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Author: Kevin

New Hope HVAC Professionals: Chud Cooling & Heating


ac maintenance


You rely on your HVAC system to keep your home at a comfortable temperature regardless of the weather outside. If you’re concerned about a problem with your HVAC system, or if it just needs an inspection and routine maintenance, contact the New Hope HVAC professionals at Chud Air Conditioning & Heating.

Air Conditioning Maintenance and Repairs

Summer will be here soon, and temperatures will likely soar. You don’t want to get stuck with an air conditioning system that isn’t up to the challenge. A New Hope HVAC specialist can check for problems with the refrigerant, evaporator coil, motor, compressor, and other components and perform any necessary maintenance or repairs to keep your air conditioning system operating efficiently and to keep your utility bills in check.

Heating System Inspections and Repairs

A heater that isn’t working correctly can leave you with a cold house and high utility bills. We can inspect your heating system, including the filters, thermostat, and pilot, and perform regular maintenance and repairs to get it ready for next winter.

Air balancing tests can measure the airflow leaving each register and being pulled into the furnace to tell us if your HVAC system is operating efficiently. If necessary, we can adjust the furnace to increase its airflow efficiency.

Air Quality Improvements

Many homes have worse air quality than outdoor areas. Volatile organic compounds, mold, pet dander, and other contaminants can create health problems, especially for individuals who have respiratory conditions, such as allergies or asthma.

Our team can install air cleaners to filter the indoor air, reduce the levels of pollutants, and maintain a proper level of humidity. We can professionally clean your air ducts so you and your family won’t have to breathe in contaminants that could affect your health. We recommend cleaning air ducts every two to four years, depending on whether you have pets or whether a member of your family has a respiratory condition.

Get Professional Help with Your HVAC System

A New Hope HVAC specialist can make sure your heating and air conditioning systems are working efficiently to keep your home at a comfortable temperature and to keep your utility bills under control. Contact Chud Air Conditioning, Heating & Duct Cleaning at (215)607-2821 to schedule an appointment for an inspection, routine maintenance, or repairs.

3 Ways to Maximize A/C Efficiency

AC Outside being Checked


During the summer, you probably rely on your air conditioning system nearly every day to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. That can lead to expensive utility bills, especially if the system isn’t operating as efficiently as it should. A Northampton air conditioning specialist can take steps to maximize your air conditioning system’s efficiency.

Routine Maintenance Can Prevent Problems

An air conditioning system may operate inefficiently for a number of reasons. A technician can inspect your air conditioning system and look for common problems, such as:

    • A seized fan motor
    • A refrigerant leak
    • A frozen evaporator coil
    • Loose electrical connections

Routine inspections and maintenance can catch problems early or prevent them altogether so you won’t have to worry about your AC system breaking down on a hot day. Taking care of your air conditioning unit can also make it operate more efficiently and keep your utility bills down.

Improving Air Flow Can Help Keep Your Home Cool

Improper air flow can cause an air conditioning unit to operate inefficiently. That can make it struggle to keep a house cool and can lead to high energy bills. We can perform air balancing tests to measure the airflow and then make any adjustments that may be necessary to help your air conditioning system operate with correct air change rates and relative pressures. That can lower your utility bills, keep your house at a comfortable temperature, and extend the life of your HVAC system.

Cleaning Air Ducts Can Improve AC Efficiency and Indoor Air Quality

Air ducts inside your house may be clogged with contaminants, such as dirt, dust, and pet dander. That can make the air conditioning system operate inefficiently and can also lead to poor indoor air quality that can affect your family’s health. Chud Air Conditioning & Heating can clean your air ducts and remove those contaminants to make your air conditioning system work more efficiently and let your family breathe cleaner air.

Make an Appointment for A/C Maintenance and Repairs

Your air conditioning unit needs to operate efficiently to do a good job of keeping your home cool. Otherwise, you can spend a fortune on utility bills and have a house that is uncomfortably hot. Contact Chud Air Conditioning & Heating today at (215)607-2821 to schedule an inspection.

Water Heater Service & Installation | Newtown, PA Call Chud Company

black shower head spraying water


When questions arise about the water heater, in Newtown, PA calls Chud Air Conditioning, Heating & Duct Cleaning! We’re experts on all things water heater, HVAC, and air quality. If you’re in the market for a new water heater or your unit needs a repair, reach out to learn how we can help you.

Our Water Heater Installation & Repairs Process

Step 1: Free Consultation & Estimate

First, we’ll have a conversation about what issues you’re facing with your water heater and how we can help. With your help, we’ll determine the best course of action for your property, whether that involves a replacement water heater or repairing the current one. We’ll give you our estimate and walk you through the steps we intend to take to achieve it.

Step 2: Convenient Scheduling

When you accept our estimate, we’ll work together to establish a convenient time for us to complete the work. We understand that many of our clients have busy schedules and unique circumstances and we try our best to find a timeline that works for both of us.

Step 3: Prompt & Professional Work

Once the date has been agreed upon, we’ll get to work on completing the work in your home or facility. Our repair and installation techs are professional and prompt, meaning they arrive on-time, take care to clean up the work site and are always friendly and happy to answer questions.

Step 4: Follow Up

After the work has been completed, we’ll follow up with the property owner or manager to ensure the equipment functions as it should. Should any further questions arise, you’ll have a direct contact at our organization to reach out to.

Contact Chud for Water Heater Newtown PA

Ready to learn more about how we can help you? Give us a call at 215-607-2821 or schedule a consultation through our website. We’re happy to help and answer your questions. We also offer 24/7 emergency service, special financing, and services related to air ducts, dryer vents, indoor air quality and more!

Chud HVAC: Yardley’s Trusted Experts

dining room with white walls and sunlight coming in


When it comes to HVAC, Yardley trusts Chud Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing to handle all of their installation, replacement and repair needs. Whether you’re looking for a new unit or just curious about how to make your home more energy efficient: we can help!

We’re known for our expertise in:

HVAC Service & Maintenance

We help extend the life of your unit and make sure you save on energy bills with regular service for your unit. This improves your air quality and reduces the instances of breakdowns or needs for repairs.

HVAC Repairs

There are myriad different reasons your unit could be malfunctioning, but the result is typically the same: your home or business becomes an uncomfortable temperature. In the wintertime especially this can be a serious emergency. Whether it’s short cycling, pilot problems, clogged filters or thermostat issues—we can help quickly and efficiently.

HVAC Replacement & Installation

For old units or new constructions, choosing the right system will depend on factors ranging from your budget and lifestyle to personal preferences. We can help you determine the right system or upgrade for your family.

Duct Cleaning

An essential measure for improving air quality, duct cleaning should happen every 2-4 years for best results. This will help you ensure you’re keeping harmful pollutants out of the air circulating in your home.

Air Balancing

This process allows us to ensure proper air change rates and relative pressures in your home. We measure the airflow coming out of each register so that we can determine whether the furnace needs an adjustment to reach maximum efficiency. This is the best way to address and treat comfort problems (e.g. when the living room is at a comfortable temperature, the kitchen gets too hot).

HVAC Yardley: Repairs, Replacements, Service & More

Not only are we known for our expertise, but also our customer service! We work hard to make sure that our clients get the individualized attention they deserve, as each property is different. To learn more about how we can help you, call our business at (215) 607-2821 or reach out via our website.

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