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Author: Kevin

5 Reasons to Invest in Air Duct Cleaning | HVAC in Yardley, PA

There are many reasons why you need to keep your air ducts clean and free of any debris, from keeping you healthy to saving money on energy bills. If you have HVAC in Yardley, PA and need to get your air ducts clean, Chud Air Conditioning and Heating can help. Here are some reasons why duct cleaning is important:


furnace repair


Duct cleaning keeps the air clean

Your air ducts will collect things like dust and dirt when not being used frequently. When you turn your HVAC system on, you don’t want to have dust pumped through your house. Keeping your HVAC system clean will ensure that you’re only getting clean air flowing through your house.

Keeps you healthy and finds leaks

You don’t want to breathe in dirt and dust, but mold can really make people sick, especially children and the elderly. Moisture in your air ducts can cause mold and mildew to grow. You might not realize there’s a mold problem until you start getting sick. Leaks in your pipes or other water damage might get into your air ducts and make the mold even worse. Cleaning your air ducts will get rid of any mold and help you find out if water is leaking in from somewhere else.

Improves efficiency

When there is nothing blocking the flow of air, your HVAC system should work great. But if it’s dirty, your system will have to work harder to get air flowing throughout your house. Keeping the air ducts clean and free of debris will help your HVAC system run more efficiently.

Reduces the frequency of repairs

Having your air ducts routinely cleaned and maintained reduces the possibility for system breakdowns and expensive repairs. Keeping air ducts clean prevents buildup of any dirt or mold that could lead to your HVAC system breaking down.

Saves energy and money on HVAC in Yardley, PA

When your HVAC system is working efficiently, it doesn’t have to work harder to push air through the air ducts. The more efficient it is, the less energy it needs to use, which will save you money on your energy bills.

Chud Air Conditioning and Heating can get HVAC in Yardley, PA cleaned in no time to get rid of any dust or mold, and to make sure the system is running efficiently. Contact us today to see how we can help.

What Counts as an HVAC Emergency? | HVAC in Abington, PA

Maintaining your HVAC units will help keep things running smoothly, but sometimes emergencies still happen. If you need your HVAC in Abington, PA repaired quickly, Chud Air Conditioning and Heating is here to help.


Fixing an AC Unit Outside


Benefits of Maintaining Your HVAC Unit

Keeping on top of maintenance can help prevent emergencies, and there are many other benefits, too. Regular air conditioning maintenance can improve energy efficiency. By sealing leaks, replacing dirty filters, and cleaning coils and air ducts, maintenance prevents your air conditioner from working harder than it has to and wasting energy.

The air quality in your home or business will improve if you regularly clean your air filters. Filters should be cleaned or replaced every season because they collect dust and dirt, which can block up your air conditioner. Maintenance will also keep your air conditioning unit running longer. Taking preventative measures and properly cleaning can reduce many problems and save you from replacing your entire system.

HVAC Emergencies

HVAC maintenance can help reduce problems, but emergencies can still happen. So what exactly is an HVAC emergency, and what do you need to do?

A common HVAC emergency is the air conditioner breaking down on a very hot day. The heat can be uncomfortable, but if you have young children or elderly parents in your home, the heat can be dangerous. If temperatures outside are 90-100 degrees, your house can become very hot very quickly. You’ll want to get your air conditioner fixed as soon as possible.

The same goes for your heater breaking down on a very cold day. Some cold days in Pennsylvania can get down to the single digits, so it can be very dangerous to have children or elderly family members without heat on those extremely cold days.

If there is a safety concern with an HVAC unit, it is likely an emergency and should get checked out by a professional quickly. This includes gas leaks or smoke. That could lead to a fire or health concerns, so you should get a professional diagnosis quickly.

Emergency Repair for HVAC in Abington, PA

If you are experiencing an emergency with your HVAC in Abington, PA, Chud Air Conditioning and Heating has emergency services, so contact us today and we can help fix your problem in no time.

5 Common Air Conditioning Problems: Air Conditioning Repair in Doylestown, PA

Spring is warming up and summer is right around the corner, which means people are starting to turn their air conditioners on. Sometimes problems start when your air conditioner hasn’t been used since last summer, and sometimes problems start when it’s been running for a while and small problems turn into bigger ones. If you want to stay on top of your air conditioner maintenance this summer, these are 5 common air conditioning problems. If you need air conditioning repair in Doylestown, PA, Chud Air Conditioning and Heating can help.


ac maintenance



Low Refrigerant

Low refrigerant levels can be an indication that there is a leak. Refrigerant leaks are harmful to the environment and can negatively impact your air conditioner’s performance and energy efficiency. If you have a leak, you need a professional to locate it and fix it. Give us a call, and we will fix your leak, test it, and ensure your system has the correct amount of refrigerant.

Fan Isn’t Working

A seized fan motor can cause your air conditioner to not properly cool down your home. Because it can make the compressor overheat, a faulty fan can cause internal damage to your air conditioner or even a fire.

Dirty Filter

Filters can cause big problems in air conditioners, but thankfully filter maintenance is easy so these problems can be avoided. A dirty or clogged filter can stop the flow of air and cause your air conditioner to overwork.

Frozen Evaporator Coils

A dirty air filter, low refrigerant or blocked return air ductwork can impact your air conditioner’s airflow. This results in frozen evaporator coils, which can stop your air conditioner from working.

Defective Compressors

If your air conditioner is shorting out or the motor is burnt out or broken, the problem is probably a defective compressor. Leaky valves make it much more difficult to create pressurized gas. It could also be caused by a low level of refrigerant and an old compressor that needs to be replaced.

Air Conditioning Repair in Doylestown, PA

If you’re having any of these problems and need air conditioning repair in Doylestown, PA, contact Chud Air Conditioning and Heating today. We’ll get your air conditioner fixed in no time so you can keep your home cool this summer.

Simple Home Maintenance for Air Conditioning Systems | Air Conditioning Repair in Southampton PA

Summer is here, which means everyone is running their air conditioners to stay cool. The last thing you want is for your air conditioner to break down in the middle of the summer on a 90 degree day. So, you want to make sure you’re staying on top of your air conditioner maintenance to keep it running smoothly. We have some tips for simple home maintenance for air conditioning to keep your home cool all summer. If you need air conditioning repair in Southampton, Chud Air Conditioning and Heating is here to help.


furnace repair


Replace Your Filters

Not many people change their air filters as frequently as they should, and it can cause some big problems with your air conditioner. Thankfully, filter maintenance is easy so these problems can be avoided. A dirty or clogged filter can stop the flow of air and cause your air conditioner to overwork. It can cause your air conditioner bill to skyrocket since it’s working harder. This can make your home heat up, or it can cause your air conditioner to break down altogether. Replace your air filters to avoid these problems.

Clean Your Air Ducts

Just like with air filters, dirty air ducts can cause your air conditioner to overwork to try to push the air through the dust and debris. Plus, dirty air ducts can make your air unclean. If the ducts are dirty, your air conditioner pushes that dust and dirt into the air in your home. So keep your air ducts clean for the sake of your air conditioner and your health.

Seal Leaks in Your Home

If air is leaking through gaps in your windows, doors, or even walls and floors, it could cause your air conditioner to overwork to keep the cool air from escaping. Make sure any gaps are sealed to keep your home cool and your air conditioner bill low.

Air Conditioning Repair in Southampton

These easy maintenance tips will help keep your air conditioner going strong to keep your house cool. If you’re having problems that simple maintenance can’t fix and need air conditioning repair in Southampton, contact Chud Air Conditioning and Heating today. We’ll get your air conditioner fixed in no time so you don’t have to worry about your home getting hot this summer.

Easy Tips for Saving Money on Air Conditioning Bills

Summer in Newtown, PA is in full swing, and people are running their air conditioners at full blast to keep cool. If your air conditioning bills are getting more and more expensive, we have some easy tips for saving money on air conditioning bills in Newtown, PA to keep your bills low and still keep your home cool.


modern thermostat being used


Replace your filters

A dirty or clogged filter can stop the flow of air and cause your air conditioner to overwork. This can cause your air conditioning bill to increase significantly, and may put too much strain on your A/C system. This can lead to more frequent repairs. Simply replacing or cleaning your air filters every few months can avoid these big bills and extra breakdowns.

Keep window treatments closed during the day

Even with modern windows that block more UV rays, the hot sun can still heat up a house. Keeping your blinds and shades closed, or at least mostly closed, will help keep your home cool during the hottest parts of the day.

Seal any leaks in your home

If air is leaking through gaps in your windows, doors, or even walls and floors, it could cause your air conditioner to overwork to keep the cool air from escaping. Make sure any gaps are sealed to keep your home cool and your air conditioner bill low. Proper insulation is important both in the summer and in the winter.

Use your grill or outdoor cooking appliances

Cooking on the stove or oven can really heat up a house, especially if you cook often. Take advantage of the nice weather outside to do some grilling. You can even install outdoor hot plates or other cooking appliances to do more cooking outside. You can also take advantage of all the fruits and vegetables in season this summer and make some dishes that don’t require any cooking.

These easy tips for saving money on air conditioning bills will keep you cool all summer long. If your air conditioner isn’t working properly and you need air conditioning repair in Newtown, PA, contact Chud Air Conditioning and Heating and see how we can help.

When to Call a Professional for A/C Repair in Morrisville, PA

No one likes having air conditioning issues in the middle of a hot summer. It can make your home hot and uncomfortable very quickly. When your air conditioner breaks down, it is important to get fixed quickly and correctly. If you’re in need if A/C repair in Morrisville, PA, these are common air conditioner issues that you should call a professional for instead of trying to fix yourself.


Repair man in a plaid shirt fixing


Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant leaks can be easily diagnosed if you see something leaking from your air conditioner. Refrigerant leaks are harmful to the environment and can negatively impact your air conditioner’s performance and energy efficiency, so you should get that fixed quickly. We will fix your leak, test it and ensure your system has the correct amount of refrigerant to keep it running.

Seized Fan Motors

Your air conditioner needs fan motors to keep the compressor from overheating, which can happen easily on a hot summer day. It can cause internal damage and potentially even a fire, so you should get it look at right away.

Loose Electrical Connections

Loose electrical connections in your air conditioning system can disrupt the flow of electricity to your air conditioner, and they can cause fires. If your air conditioner is having electrical problems or you see smoke, you should turn it off and call for help.

Frozen Evaporator Coils

A dirty air filter, low refrigerant or blocked return air ductwork can impact your air conditioner’s airflow, which results in frozen evaporator coils. If you see ice forming around the coils in your air conditioner, you should turn it off and call for help before it causes more problems.

Defective Compressors

If your air conditioner is shorting out or the motor is burnt out or broken, the problem is likely a defective compressor. Leaky valves make it much more difficult to create pressurized gas, which can lead to many problems.

If you are experiencing any of these problems or there is smoke or your air conditioner just shuts down, do not hesitate to contact Chud Air Conditioning and Heating for A/C repair in Morrisville, PA. We will fix the problem and get it running in no time.

Is Your Northampton Heating System Ready for Winter?

modern thermostat being used


You will rely on your heating system throughout the winter, so it’s important to make sure it’s ready for the cold months ahead. If you haven’t had your HVAC system checked out in a while, contact Chud Air Conditioning, Heating, and Duct Cleaning to schedule an appointment for a Northampton heating inspection.

Our Team Can Diagnose Problems Before Your System Breaks Down

An HVAC system usually doesn’t just break down all of a sudden. Typically, it will give signs that there is an issue that needs to be addressed. If you’ve noticed that your heating system cycles on and off frequently, makes loud and unusual noises, or doesn’t heat all the rooms in your home consistently, it may be in need of repair.

High utility bills can also indicate that there’s an issue with your heating system. If your bills are significantly higher than they were around this time last year, or if you pay a lot more to heat your home than your neighbors do, that may mean that your HVAC system has a damaged part or is nearing the end of its lifespan and is struggling to do its job.

The problem may be due to a dirty filter or a clogged air duct. If that’s the case, a simple fix may be all it takes to improve your heating system’s efficiency and get your utility costs under control. We can also check the wiring, heat exchanger, and gas pressure for signs of a problem. If your furnace is worn out and needs to be replaced, we can let you know and help you choose a replacement model.

Chud Can Help with Emergency Repairs

If your system breaks down at any point during the winter, contact Chud Air Conditioning, Heating, and Duct Cleaning. We’re available 24 hours a day for emergency repairs. We can service any type of furnace, whether you have an electric, gas, or propane model.

Schedule an Appointment for a Northampton Heating System Inspection

Of course, preventing a problem is better than having your system break down and worrying about burst pipes and other issues. Call Chud Air Conditioning, Heating, and Duct Cleaning today at (215)659-4343 so we can inspect your HVAC system and get it ready for winter.

How to Maximize Home Heating Efficiency This Winter

modern living room


For many homeowners, the arrival of winter means a spike in utility bills, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are some ways to keep your house warm and keep your Buckingham heating costs manageable.

Take Advantage of Free Heat

The sun can warm your house so you don’t have to use the furnace all day. Keep blinds and shades open when the sun is out to let its rays come in through the windows. When the sun goes down, close window treatments to keep heat inside and help the house stay warm at night.

Figure out Where Your House Is Losing Heat

Drafts around windows and doors can lead to significant heat loss and high utility bills. Check for leaks and seal them with caulk or weather stripping. Also look for leaks around the chimney and in other areas where there may be gaps in the ceiling. A home energy audit can help you identify areas where your home is losing heat so you can take action to control your utility bills.

Adjust Your Thermostat’s Setting

Keeping your thermostat set for the same temperature all the time can waste energy. Lower the temperature before you go to bed and use blankets to stay warm. Keep the temperature set a bit lower when you’re out than you have it when you’re home. If you invest in a programmable thermostat, you won’t have to remember to adjust the temperature manually every day.

Have Your Heating System Inspected

Routine HVAC inspections and maintenance can help you avoid a breakdown and an expensive repair bill. A technician can look for signs of damage and wear, replace parts if necessary, and perform other maintenance that may be required.

Chud Air Conditioning, Heating, and Duct Cleaning employs a team of professionals who have the right experience and training to service a variety of furnace models, including gas, propane, and electric types. We can also inspect and repair your water heater to keep it working this winter.

Get Help with Buckingham Heating Maintenance and Repairs

The weather has begun to turn colder. If you haven’t had your heating system inspected and serviced yet, don’t put it off any longer. Call Chud Air Conditioning, Heating, and Duct Cleaning today at (215) 659-4343 to schedule an appointment.

Signs That It May Be Time to Replace Your Yardley Heating System

Chud company van


Your home’s heating system is designed to last a long time, but it can eventually wear out and need to be replaced. Before that happens, you may notice some tell-tale signs that your Yardley heating system is nearing the end of its lifespan.

How to Tell That It’s Time to Replace Your Heating System

  • Your furnace should get your home to an appropriate temperature, and then the system should shut itself off unless the temperature changes and the system needs to make an adjustment. If the furnace keeps cycling, or turning on and off, that may mean that it needs repairs or that the furnace is not an appropriate size for your house.
  • If the temperature is dramatically different from one room to another, that may mean that your furnace is not the right size for your home. You may have to upgrade to a new system.
  • You shouldn’t have to adjust the thermostat very often. If you have to change the setting frequently, your HVAC system may be operating inefficiently because of years of wear and tear.
  • Your heating system should run quietly. If it begins to make unusual sounds, that may mean that the system needs to be cleaned or that a part needs to be replaced, or it may indicate that you will have to install a new furnace soon.
  • You may notice that your utility bills have been rising for no clear reason. If so, that may be a sign that your heating system is inefficient and may need to be replaced.

Schedule a Yardley Heating System Inspection

The weather is already turning cooler, and winter is right around the corner. If you have concerns about your heating system, contact Chud Air Conditioning, Heating, and Duct Cleaning. We can send a technician to your home to inspect the furnace and tell you if it needs repairs or if you should replace it.

If your HVAC system keeps breaking down and is approaching the end of its lifespan, you may be better off replacing it now than dealing with a series of repair bills and having to worry that it might fail in the middle of winter. Contact Chud today at (215) 607-2821 to schedule an inspection.

When to Call a Newtown Heating Specialist to Schedule Repairs

modern thermostat being used


Regular maintenance can keep your home’s heating system operating efficiently. If there’s a problem, you may notice some of these signs. You shouldn’t ignore an issue because that can allow it to get worse and may cause the system to fail at the worst possible time, such as during a snowstorm. A Newtown heating specialist can conduct an inspection, pinpoint the source of the issue, and perform appropriate repairs.

Burning Odor

You may notice a strange smell right after you turn on the heat. That may simply be dust in the ducts burning off. If the odor lingers for more than a few hours, however, it means that something isn’t right. For example, a part may be broken, or a filter may need to be replaced.

Strange Noises

It’s normal for an HVAC system to make some sounds, but it should run quietly. If you notice a loud noise, such as grinding, screeching, or banging, call a professional.

Inconsistent Temperatures

If some parts of your house are colder than others, it may be due to a problem with the HVAC system, or there may be another cause. Make sure all the air ducts are open and check the windows for gaps and leaks. If you don’t detect a problem in either of those areas, the issue may lie with the HVAC system.

High Heating Costs

You may notice that your home heating bills have been gradually rising. That may mean that the system is not operating efficiently. A Newtown heating professional can figure out the reason and recommend repairs.

Health Issues

When an HVAC filter gets clogged with dirt, dust, and pet dander, it can lead to poor indoor air quality. If you or a member of your family has asthma or allergies and has experienced severe symptoms recently, it may be due to an HVAC filter that needs to be replaced.

Contact a Newtown Heating Professional

If you suspect that your heating system may need repairs, call Chud Air Conditioning, Heating, and Duct Cleaning. We can send a technician to your home to perform an inspection and make any necessary fixes so you will be prepared for winter. Call (215)607-2821 to schedule an appointment.

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